Gallery of Past and Present

A resumé of the work

The Work to Date

Art as an extension of the fields of the imagination

Dave Wyatt was born in 1970 in Ilford, England, and raised in Glasgow, Scotland, with a  formative period in Ibadan, Nigeria; currently  he resides in the French Pyrenees.

He is a multidisciplinary artist specialising in digital media,  printmaking,  painting, pen and ink, and animation. His work encompasses rhythmic pattern designs and contemporary abstract pieces, exploring the juxtaposition of cultural identity, the intersection of primitive impressions and modern technology.

Wyatt’s artistic concept delves into the compilation and recompilation of codes, metaphorically likened to the evolution of biological code and emotional patterns. He also examines cultural trends, and memory, likening them to inherited “memes” that are often unquestioningly perpetuated through generations. Additionally, and in this vain, Wyatt explores the concept of sampling, and resampling; translating the idea of creating loops with sound into a visual context, where recognisable patterns transition into increasingly abstract spaces through zooming in on images and snippets thereof.

He hold a Masters in Social Anthropology and Archaeology (MA Hons) from Edinburgh University, focused on Cultural Identity and Ritual Practice, and Post-graduate Certification in Multimedia Design from Napier University, Edinburgh.

About the studio

Screen Printing in small spaces


It’s a bit of a juggle, really, as my studio here in the Grange is quite small.  Indeed, for one thing to have space, everything else seems to need to be reorganised and suffled around.  To say “there’s not enough room to swing a cat” is an understatement.  Still, i work with what IS, while ruminating on the hows, whys, and when of creating a bigger, more suitable space.

On the one hand it’s small. But on the other, there’s a level of solitude and general peace and quiet that is hard to rival.

Over the years my interest in different media has changed considerably.  Indeed, I find myself exploring art with a truly multi-disciplinary approach, whether that is in a sketchbook, in the studio, or in terms of developing differnet techniques within the multimedia softwares of our time…. all of it I find fascinating !

I’ve tried to separate my work into appropriate categories, although there are evident cross-overs.  

Hand Painted
Celtic Designs

Minimal Digital
& Op-Art

“We cannot evolve faster than our language.
The edge of being is the edge of meaning,
and somehow we have to push the edge of meaning. We have to extend it.”

                               – T. McKenna

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